Friday, 1 November 2013

What do they have to say about D'banj at Maducho Luchi. ( Via @dbanjfellaz )

What do they have to say about D'banj at Maducho Luchi. ( Via @dbanjfellaz )

Maducho Luchi is a limited production fashion product with a tilt of class, simplicity, comfort and an African story.
  • Twitter: @MaduchoLuchi
  • Instagram: @MaduchoLuchi
  • Facebook: Maducho Luchi




Visit for exclusive shoe designs. Contact us to have our products delivered to you.

To further help promote the story behind it, ML is involved in changing stories across Africa through humanitarian collaboration with other foundations across the continent.
Facebook: Maducho Luchi Give Back

Graham is the Sales and B.D.M. Director at Maducho Luchi. He has a good taste of fashion and considers himself a fashion aggregator. He holds a Masters Degree in Internet and Distributed Systems from Durham University in Great Britain.

  • Facebook: Graham Telenoza
  • Twitter: @graham_telenoza

Graham, on D'banj: "I respect D'banj's sense of style. He is the best dressed celebrity in Africa! I don't even see anyone who can come close. Not only does he invest heavily on his wardrobe, he takes out his time to combine different fashion pieces correctly! And that is Fashion Aggregation at its best! I believe once our very functional P.R. Team gets to D'banj aka Banger Lee, he would become a frequent customer at Maducho Luchi! He needs it! Not only would he be exporting the best male fashion in Africa, he would also be blessing his wardrobe with one of the best shoe designs on the globe."
**One of his best d'banj look pictures**
Graham Chike
Sales and B.D.M. Director
Maducho Luchi

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